My Soulitude

A daughter’s B+ Bond with Pyare Papa!

There is a joke in the family. The B+ joke. Father and I both share B+ blood group, and are very similar in our habits. The way we sit, the way we form postures, the way we form a pattern in the air with our hands while thinking, and the way we place our hands behind our head while watching TV. We both are bit casual in our approach towards life, flexible in our attitude, and rigid in our actions. We do what we have to do even when the whole world says otherwise. We forget easily, never keep anything in heart for long. We both are mostly at the receiving end for our callousness and carelessness. We laugh at our follies and are capable of not taking ourselves too seriously. With age, I have started to look like him too.

I may not love all my personality traits but am proud of them for the simple fact that they come from him. They make me similar to him. That’s a different point that I have imbibed most of the not-so-worthy traits and am yet to show any signs of his strong Leo side. He’s an avid reader, I usually languish. He is an epitome of generosity, I am nowhere near. He can talk for hours, I can stay silent for hours. He is extremely social, I am sort of an ambivert. He has a huge circle of friends, I can count mine on fingers.

The B+ bond is my strength in life just the way it is for you all with your dads. Happy Father’s Day to Dad, Dada, Paa, Pitaji, Pops, Baba, Abba or whatever you call your father lovingly.

For me, it is always Papa! His mobile number has been saved as ‘Pyare Papa’ in my mobile ever since I have owned a phone. And his is the only number I dial till date whenever I reach the bus stand of my hometown in Ambala to say, “Papa, I am about to reach home.” And he is always there to welcome with front gates wide open for the car to enter without stopping, along with his big welcoming heart.

Happy Father’s Day Papa!

The B+ bond: Don’t I look like him?



5 thoughts on “A daughter’s B+ Bond with Pyare Papa!”

  1. Viveka kaushik

    Awww… Such a cute articulation!! He may have B+ bond with you…. but it’s me who he loves the most 😈😈😈 .
    Shout out to all fathers in the world!!
    Happy Father’s Day ❤️

  2. Pingback: The House Smells of Winters! – MY SOULITUDE

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