Hey, this is my first time writing a post from mobile. Don’t know why but i am not comfortable typing on mobile for a post. Why today? Coz i have a busy day and don’t have time to open laptop. But still want to share the sweet tidbits of life with you. For, it is a beautiful day (still raining) and Janamashtami too.
It is difficult to miss Krishna spirit in my house. Right from morning, A is super excited for all the rituals he engages in. Thakurji seva, as he says. ‘Panch snan’ for Bal Gopal, new dresses, a swing, prasadam, a surge of devotional feelings and complete surrender to him. Bal Gopal has been with us for five years now. Remember here. It is important to keep reminding ourselves of our true purpose on this planet and not lose ourselves in the mechanics of earning a living.
May we all work relentlessly towards purifying our souls. One day at a time! Love, grace and bliss for one and all.
Wish you all a very happy Janamashtami!

Happy Janmashtmi to you and your family. May Krishna fill your life with the choicest Blessings.. Best wishes.
On a different note, I wanted to ask you, have you thought of writing your blog on another platform instead of WordPress. I am not sure if it has some advantages for you as an author, but WordPress otherwise is infamous since it runs a lot of adverts in the background and has a reputation of malware. That may be hurting your readership. Not sure if you have thought about it before.
Enjoy your day.
Hi Vikram,
Thanks for your wishes, and for suggesting to go beyond wordpress. Will scout for more options.