My Soulitude


Mind vs heart!

  The mind wants it all. Money, home, clothes, footwears, gadgets, luxury, travel and all material success the world has to offer. And yet, when I sit in silence and listen to my heart, all it wants is a happy and loving heart. I visualise myself sitting alone watching the sky, stars, the moon and …

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Where can I buy my happiness? Will you give me happiness?

[the_ad_placement id=”sidebar-widget”]     1.3 billion pulsating hearts in 3.287 million km square. In this vast expanse of mankind and our temporal existence, how much can we extend ourselves to others? How much can we make ourselves available to ‘The Other’ in need while keeping our sanity alive? With our lives stretched in between jobs, …

Where can I buy my happiness? Will you give me happiness? Read More »

Happy Diwali!

  Wish you all a very happy Diwali. Gorge on sweets, share meals, elongate your tea times, pray together, experience gratitude, become a giver, spread happiness, celebrate love, laughter and light with your family, friends and strangers. Have a blissful life! Have an illuminating life!

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Read this beautiful piece in today’s newspaper and thought of sharing it with you. And no, it’s not the only reason to share (as I read thousand of things every day worth sharing that i usually don’t share). To be true to myself, I am sharing it coz somewhere deep down my heart, it reaffirms my …

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