My Soulitude

Balancing Life!

August 3 post got a miss due to a death in the family, and today’s mindful observation stems from yesterday’s experience.

Mindful Observation——-Day 3

Death is the ultimate reality of physical life and SO IS LIFE. The first part I process every day and yet when death marches around, it shocks and saddens. The second part, that life is an ultimate reality too, I have missed often. Death reminds us of leaving everything here when time comes, but it also reminds us that this life is precious. Live beautifully, live mindfully, live humbly. This body gives us the power to do “karma”, which even “devtas” crave for. To get a physical body and write your destiny with the right karma.

Reminder to me: Death will come, but till then, squeeze every moment of this life. Change destiny with right karma.


Mindful Observation——-Day 4

Eventually, everything gets processed. From humungous to negligible. From birth to death. From getting your dream job to being thrown out of office, from becoming a parent to losing your parents, from winning the award to failing to achieve anything in life, everything gets processed eventually. Nothing kills you forever, neither does keep you alive.

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