My Soulitude

Love In The Times of Social Media

Yes, it’s 14th Feb today and yes, the social media is buzzing with love messages and love notes, and hard to miss ‘love is in the air’ vibe! I resist the urge to add my noise too in the already stuffed space of social media (or ‘insta’ I should say, as I am not active on any other platform). Without opening the Instagram, I can assume what I would find in that space. Some accounts will have special love videos, some will urge to not fall in this trap, some will share their experience, some will stand out with their writing and honesty and a few will get lost in the crowd. I am clogging this blogging space, as i know it’s a silent and safe place for me to share because I don’t have any reader. Why I write stuff here if I don’t want to be read, don’t ask for I have no answer. I loved reading this article though by Twinkle Khanna on Tweak    

To make sure, I am not left out in this age of social media, I baked a healthy cake for ‘A’ and made his favourite food for lunch. After seven years of marriage, love is more of what is felt in the heart than what is seen on the surface. There was a time when I posted this, and today I find it a little over the top. Just today, mind you. Tomorrow I may love it again. My last year’s post was this.  The ever-fleecing feelings.

My thought today. Gratitude to begin with for a love-filled life. A very lovable & caring family, two supportive & emotional siblings, a husband who fills my life with love and a few trusted friends. That’s my very small world, and I am eternally grateful to the universe for that. Rather than loud, extravagant once-a-year love, I prefer subtle, every-day, understanding kind of love to make my life worthwhile. Love with every breath, kind heart in every action, trust in every action, good quality and quantity time together, and every day is a Valentine’s day. Though celebrating special occasions is a good reminder to rearrange life the way we want it, or actually, to align our living with what life offers, yet it needs efforts to keep the love momentum going, consistent, conscious every-day efforts.

Nothing special is planned for today. Touch-wood, ‘A’ and I have been getting quality time together for quite some time (after long years of its absence), so I want this abundance to continue.  I want love to rule every life and every heart. That’s a small wish I am sending out to the universe, along with a secret wish for myself.

Happy Valentine’s Day to you all!

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