My Soulitude

Namaste! Welcome to My Work-From-Home World!



Suddenly and ironically, I find myself having a lot of company in the last few days. Isolation and quarantine are the buzz words in the aftermath of Corona scare, but I, on the contrary, is sensing a sense of belonging for the first-time ever in my decade-long work-from-home (WFH) professional set-up. My otherwise reticent, lonely, barren WFH space seems cramped with people. People from all across the world. WFH is the new normal. While the situation leading to this scenario is something no one ever wishes for, but I am not complaining about the company I have begun to have for the first time. That too in such huge numbers. I may be a solitude-loving creature, but I am not people-averse.

To all those who are new to this work-from-home culture, Namaste and welcome to the club. I know it will be a roller-coaster ride for you with its perks and challenges. I sincerely wish you enjoy being a part of this WFH tribe, even if temporarily. And I am praying diligently that the situation may indeed be a temporary one, for several reasons:

—Firstly, because I want this Corona virus to be tamed as early as possible for everyone’s well-being and to have our normal world back again.

—Secondly, because I know for a fact that WFH is not meant for everyone,

—-Thirdly, because I am unsure if I can survive in such great company for long. No, I am not talking about the world but the immediate company that has suddenly started pouring in. My Siblings and the husband ‘A’. While the sister and brother have already joined my tribe (with their offices offering WFH), the husband ‘A’ might join us soon. With this new-found option, we all want to co-work as we otherwise stay in different cities but also worry about the consequences. We all love one another (at least we think so) but I am not sure how long the love can keep flowing before the home turns into a battlefield. From one scare to another.

On the bright side, hard times always have wise life-lessons in store.

(PS: Praying hard for a normal world again while doing my best by staying indoors, sanitizing and remaining positive without panicking.)


corona scare

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