My Soulitude

New year and my 11-year-old blog!

(Image credit: The internet)


The new year is here. It does bring in some fresh energy and a chance to rewire our lives. My intent for this year is financial independence, good health and inner engineering apart from cherishing and improvising the good aspects of my life. I fear to say my intent aloud, as the last time I has said it, life had taken an entirely different route, a painful one albeit. Overcoming that fear, I restart this time, praying for happiness in lives—–for myself and everyone.

This blog is very close to my heart, something I wish to stay with me forever. When I started it on 21st April, 2011, the aim was to simply share my feelings here, creating my little online niche. Why I wanted to share publicly my inner feelings, I was as confused then as I am today. There was no you-tube and instagram and I never imagined a world madly driven online. Post Corona, the physical world shrunk further and in 2022 now, we all know the digital lives we live, by force or choice.

Navigating this ever-changing life becomes easy and beautiful when you have genuine people to share your feelings. This blog offers me that solace of sharing. Of being truthful in my imperfection and talking out loud to the universe about what I feel. No one may resonate with me, and that’s purely fine. I have been an ardent propagator of being myself, even if that means failing. Removing outer layers one by one and digging in what lies beneath has been the sole purpose of my life till now. I want to continue with that while adding some aggression in achieving my financial goals. I want this blog to do well personally and professionally.

Renewing the domain every year takes me on a guilt trip. This year was no different. In fact, renewed the hosting services just now and silently asked the universe to bless me with success. May the year 2022 be an exception. Seeking love, happiness, miracles, money, skills, professional and personal success. For myself and everyone else, especially my 11-year-old blog.


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