My Soulitude

Perfection or Naturalness?

(The picture was taken at my house garden way back in January 2012)


What is it that you prefer? For me, naturalness has always won over perfection. Every blog post that I write comes straight from the heart even if that may look or read drab. I don’t mind it being a mediocre or poor writing. For me, this blog is just a way to share my fleeting feelings. What matters is what I write (or have written) is just the way I feel, unfiltered, as says the blog tagline. No editing, no rewriting. Simply sharing the feelings and thoughts of that particular moment. May be, that’s why the posts come across randomly. As nothing is saved in the drafts.

I prefer the words written with love and honesty than the ones written only to sound immaculate. This is not to say in any way that perfection should not be aimed at. But in the quest for perfection, don’t leave the honesty behind. I am sure this is one of the main reasons why I have not achieved any success with the blog writing. I write for myself and not for readers. Naturalness always comes first to me, perfection is more of a byproduct of all the hard work put in. For instance, flowers just bloom the way they are. No striving for beauty or perfection. Yet, they are the most perfect creation of nature I have ever seen. You can see here. Always beautiful.

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