My Soulitude


Just Saying!

I open my laptop with an intent and urge to write. By the time it opens, I find myself staring at a blank page and jumbled meaningless thoughts. And that’s on loop. Summer may not be my best season but it does give one long afternoons and forced indoor stays. If one is productive, a …

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The Lost Bookshop!

Yesterday, visited Crosswords and got a new book to read, ‘The Lost Bookshop‘ by Evie Woods. Have you read it? The sheer thrill of starting a new book is unmatched. I am delaying reading to enjoy the joy of anticipation.  Last week, finished reading ‘Welcome to Paradise‘ by Twinkle Khanna, and found it okay. Just saying it …

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It’s Sunday!

Sunday is synonymous with breaking any routine what so ever. Late start of the day, no office vibes around, relaxation, and a brunch by A. Having kitchen being taken over for a day gives so much space and time that it can be filled be reading, writing and watching good stuff online. The whole feel …

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