My Soulitude

It’s Sunday!

Sunday is synonymous with breaking any routine what so ever. Late start of the day, no office vibes around, relaxation, and a brunch by A. Having kitchen being taken over for a day gives so much space and time that it can be filled be reading, writing and watching good stuff online. The whole feel of the day is different. Especially, in the season like this. No extreme summer.

Having parents and siblings as neighbours means we have a combined lunch, long chats,  tea talks, a game of ‘Seep’, IPL, and Bigg Boss, all to be fitted in same space. Lot of scrambling too to adjust diverse interests.

I love to find my quiet corner and read. It’s the ultimate luxury I can think of. Not that I am a voracious reader, but I love to read something every day. May be a quote, some new thought, personal blogs, and so on.

Well this is my Sunday as of now. For the moment. Rest, every breath is a gift and a mystery.

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