My Soulitude


This is enough!

Sometimes, this is enough. An ordinary day, mostly a Sunday. When you simple exist in harmony with your self. Waking up at 8 am, lounging, sipping tea, watching the vast expanse of greens, and the birds making chirping noises. Having a slow start to the day. Preparing breakfast and lunch, and zillion things in between …

This is enough! Read More »

A Sunday in January!

  A Sunday in January is foggy and cold. It smells of warm sweaters —– freshly washed, and the warmth of a room heater. A Sunday in January is slow but steady. It smells of ginger tea and Pindi chana  ——  freshly made —- and the warmth of A’s love. A Sunday in January is …

A Sunday in January! Read More »

Sunday Solitude!

  Rarely, there are Sundays that are spent in solitude. Today was one of those. Solitude and plenty of time reigned supreme. It was a day I spent doing exactly what I love the most——–watching the day pass by sprinkled with labour of love here and there. Got up around 8 am and spent the …

Sunday Solitude! Read More »