My Soulitude

Thoughts one fine evening!

evening at the balcony

(Image credit: The Internet)


The sun has set. The dusk time is about to occur. A chopper with a husky voice is hovering over the society again and again. My thoughts fly with it too. A sense of fear grips at the thought of flying, of life hanging in thin air. Two years of home confinement does this to you, thanks to the pandemic. Once a travel enthusiast, I now cringe at any suggestion of leaving my cosy home. Is it winters, is it corona rust, is it extended home hibernation, is it absence of loneliness due to A being at home (courtesy work from home), is it my family staying in same society (parent and two siblings) or is it ageing, I am yet to figure. Whatever it is, it’s the reality of the moment.

Back to the evening at my balcony. The chopper has come and gone for the fourth time now. I think about my flight in the next few days and wonder how will I manage the fright. It’s not an overpowering emotion but still a strong thought, no matter how random it may be. My gaze then shifts to the birds flying back home at dusk. Watching one bird flaps its wings and then just letting them be while taking a long stride further makes me fly with it. I flap with its wings and stays still when its wings do the same. A certain sense of calmness takes over. I wonder how they fly impeccably with no accidents mid-air. I can see three flocks making way home. What a sight to hold on to.

Then I see the road passing right in the front and its beauty at dusk. Cars and two-wheelers moving with lights on. Tress on both sides adding to the natural beauty and a sleepy town of my fantasy taking over the reality. But not for long. I spot the chopper again and wish for its safety one more time. A small star comes up piercing the azure sky. I bow my head in reverence. Now I wonder how I am a guest on this planet and how beautiful the planet is on which I have a chance to be born in this body.

I thank the universe for one more ordinary day with my family, and about certain life areas that need to be fixed urgently. With gratitude in my heart, I finish my 10 minutes of dusk watching and head back inside home. It’s 20 degrees celsius.

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