My Soulitude

2019: Day I

happy new year messages
(PC: All images from the Internet)

New beginnings bring out the best intentions. We all want to start afresh. We want to be more happy, more healthy, more wealthy, and more of many many good things in life.

I wish many many mores for all of us. All the mores we want to accomplish, accumulate and wash away (especially the piling kgs for me). Like most of you, I have set a few resolutions for 2019.  Some are too personal to be shared, some can be made public. But I would share with you my topmost resolution that broadly (and hopefully) will cover all aspects of my life.

In 2019, I want to take my learning curve up again, which has been stagnant for quite a while. I want to learn something new every day and want to be useful every day. By useful, I mean be it for a person(s), nature, a cause or anything I can’t think of now, I want to be of some help to others, without a reason.

I pray to the almighty to give me the strength and the determination to help me realize my aim. And to all of you in whatever you aspire for!

Wish you all a very fulfilling 2019!

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