My Soulitude

AC, AC, AC, why are you an AC?


Next World War is going to be fought on AC, I am telling you. If you have started smiling and laughing at me, don’t. Trust me when I say that AC, which is supposed to have a cooling effect, has all the qualities to heat up temperatures. It has the power to turn simple, sweet people in office into villains and vampires. It can turn a sober working place into a battleground, dividing it into zones like India and Pakistan (no offence please). Some people fight for (or against) it, as if it’s a jehad. They will go all out to keep the AC on, even if that means freezing to death, or keeping it off until you sweat your way to death. Some others are like peaceful candle-lighting revolutionaries, only pleading and requesting others to switch on or off the AC. As if office politics is not enough to kill your peace of mind, comes AC politics, gangs of AC and non-AC employees. Friends turn foes and foes friends, all thanks to AC bonding.

At the end of the day, productivity in office is measured by who got the AC switched on or off the maximum time and who had the maximum fights for it. Office resources are overused, all thanks to AC, and you earn so many curses, again thanks to AC. If you are feeling cold, you tend to order an extra cup of tea but not before earning the curse of office boy (or girl) for making an extra cup for you and the accusing glances of your colleagues for again having that cup of tea.

It also ensures that you never have a dull moment in office, with voices coming from all sides and corner for switching on or off the AC. Some voices (fervent appeals) reach the peak with their shrill while some die on the way.

Even while driving a car, AC becomes a spoilsport. When each and every member of the family (by any tweak of fate) is happy and all set for some peaceful journey, comes the AC in the form of a Shani devta, leading to arguments and even swollen faces. If mother is happy, then brother is unhappy; if you are sizzling (in heat of course), then sister is giggling. So, you see, AC never allows everyone to be happy.

The torture doesn’t ends here. How can you sleep in peace with AC having an evil laugh? In the dark of night, I can see it as a ghost with long white teeth, mocking us and saying, “How can you all sleep so peacefully while I am working.” So, if dad wants it at the lowest temperature, mom needs the highest, and me the best of all, don’t need it at all. So, in between on and off, whole night is gone and so does the sleep. Then, poor mother can’t even pack off blankets when winter is gone, as creatures like me need them at the peak of torture (read freezing to death).

The irony is: The AC never works when I need it for just some time while sleeping. Why? The voltage goes low, compressor stops working, and all I can feel is the evil AC laugh, asking, “So, enjoying me?”

And as if to take revenge for not being so AC-friendly, it produces looooooooong, hefty power bill at the end of every month, but what for, I wonder?

AC you are truly an AC (Annoying Creature).

PS: Edited to add: Just found out this.

USB Hot Cooler Keyboard from Thanko is not only can help the problem but the excess perspiration can help people who can not work because the air conditioning in the office is too cold. Thanko also add a “heater” in the “pad” so that we can work in an atmosphere warm. So tell your boss ordered to buy immediately so that you can work performance improved. :-)
The price is 4,980 yen. (Well, well, well, bad idea! Sorry)



USB Hot Cooler Keyboard from Thanko is not only can help the problem but the excess perspiration can help people who can not work because the air conditioning in the office is too cold.

Thanko also add a “heater” in the “pad” so that we can work in an atmosphere warm.

As we know, there is a product of the keyboard can also provide an atmosphere of warm and coolness in the hands but the keyboard from Thanko is this gives both of them in one product. The level of fan power that is in the part can be adjusted through the key and all the existing functions can be turned off when not needed. All products from Thanko sometimes “strange” but the actual product such as this can increase the productivity of work! So tell your boss ordered to buy immediately so that you can work performance improved. :-)
The price is 4,980 yen

6 thoughts on “AC, AC, AC, why are you an AC?”

  1. Dr Tirumala santra

    OH My Soulitude,

    I wonder how do you know AC ‘HIM/HER’ (No gender bias) sooooooooo well. I enjoyed reading your blog so much that still I can’t stop laughing….

    Kudos to your interpretation on AC torture.

  2. Really Awesome piece of AC. I loved reading your blog. It is actually getting difficult to understand the ABC of ‘AC” the Annoying Creature. Want some more similar posts from you.

  3. haha its so funny…..i cudnt stop laughing evn fr a min while reading this article, esp wen I got ur agonized face while sitting in d car in front of me(sizzling in the sun) lolz lolz lolz

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