My Soulitude

My father- Epitome of generosity!

Dad, the sweetest, the humblest human being I have seen on this earth. Always helpful, always accommodating, always giving in abundance (not even realising how much he does for others by putting himself in discomfort). Since childhood, have seen him helping people, without giving the needed attention to his life and pleasures. Sacrifice he does with such an ease and openness, and that too silently. Unfortunately or fortunately, people have not reciprocated the love and care he gives to people, but, as I said, he holds no grudge. I wonder how (see I am nothing like his daughter should be).

Being extremely simple is his another virtue. A simple man with simple pleasures, but his biggest pleasure is helping others, in thick and thin, in sun or shadow. I love his simplicity to the core, as it makes life so simple too. But when that simplicity is taken for granted by everyone, I feel bad, but not he, of course (see I am nothing like his daughter should be).

Making others feel extremely important and comfortable is his second nature. Treating guest as God is his lifeline. No matter how big or small the person is, he never differentiates. Guests are literally worshipped in our house. I have grown up seeing guests in dozens all at one time but he never cribbed. I of course did sometime (see I am nothing like his daughter should be).

We three, his children, much to our disappointment, have not inherited these qualities from him in the degree that he possesses. We are not as generous as he is. We shout and scream and sometime pay back too when people do injustice to us, but he is always without any grudge. He is always thinking of others’ interest even when they don’t deserve. We all hate this thing about him but at the same time love him the most for this. For, it’s not easy to give when you have nothing, it’s not easy to laugh when all you have is tears, but it’s not tough either. My father, my dad proves it. My dad, a man with a ‘GOLDEN HEART’.

You make us feel proud in more ways than we three can ever make you do the same. Hope we always keep your head held high. Love you in abundance.


(PS: He is taking us to dinner tonight. Looking forward to some good family time. You all also enjoy and love your dad as much as you can.)


3 thoughts on “My father- Epitome of generosity!”

  1. Being his daughter I take this opportunity to Thank Him for all he has given us .Really,He is GOD on earth for us .I have no qualms in accepting that he is my biggest strength and biggest weakness on this earth.feels like i should gift him an ocean but fails evry tym to evn gift him a drop of it.Hope some day i will be able to fulfill his dreams…..thats the only goal and ambition in my lyf….and i am very much aware of the fact that our family is so very blessed just b’coz of his good deeds and b’coz he is god’s favourite child.I feel so blessed to be his daughter. WOrds seem to be so petty wenevr i feel to pen down my feelings towards him……..just one bottom line LOVE U DADDY…So VERY MUCH..

  2. Pingback: A daughter’s B+ Bond with Pyare Papa! – MySoulitude

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