My Soulitude

Eye-opener: An essay on parrot!

An essay on parrot, how easy it sounds. Isn’t it? So, please try, yes, yes, try, writing an essay for a Class II student (see i told u na this is what happens with me. My roommate asked me to write an essay on parrot for her nephew who studies in class II.)

This is what I wrote. Parrot is a bird. It’s green in colour with red, curved beak. It’s kept as a pet. It can mimic human speech. It has four toes on each foot, two pointing forward and two projecting backward. Most parrots eat fruit, flowers, buds, nuts, seeds, and some small creatures such as insects. It has strong flight. It, it, it, it, ????, and a long blank…………………………

That’s it.

This proof of my intelligence came only after I initially laughed at the mere mention of an essay on parrot. Oh, an essay on parrot, just a five minute job. I was so excited. Parrot, after long I was actually hearing this name, Parrot, ah…a green coloured bird i was so fond of as a child.  It seemed ages that I heard or uttered this word. PARROT.

May be many of you are among the genius souls and can come up with many more points to write. But a person like me, who has been out of school for ages or formal studies for the past eight years, it turned out to be a tedious job. Add to it that I have no sibling or nephew or a niece who is studying in a school. So, I have no idea how much is the level of intelligence of a Class II student, what kind of words should I write, etc, etc.

Neways, coming to the point. After thinking hard and hard and hard, I still drew a blank. From the corner of my eye, I looked at my roommate, she was deep in thinking, but in the end drew a blank too. From the other end of eye, we looked at our another roommate, but found a more big blank. It reminded me of ‘fill in the blanks’ we did in school. Sadly, we had more blanks than answers. Though I could write many things like it’s origin, the species, where it is found, etc, etc, but it was meant for a Class II student. No big words or sentences, at least that’s what I thought. Scratched my head for what more information can I write about parrot. But couldn’t go beyond few lines.

Then, came the always reliable Google. Ah! Google, wonder how we studied without you. And finally, the essay was written. But only after realising some hard-hitting truth.

I mean imagine, I am supposed to know (or write) about important things happening in our country, issues plaguing the society, the economy of India, the cricket, and cricketers, and who’s dating whom,  the Bollywood heroes, Deepika-Siddharth relationship, and William-Kate wedding too, but parrot…what wrong has the poor parrot done.

On a serious note, what kind of progress is this that does not even allow us to ponder on all that we are losing. Most of our life is spent in doing things which adds little value to this precious gift of life we have got. Please don’t get me wrong. Not trashing anything, yes, we have to earn, learn, prove ourselves, and progress in life. But why not maintain a balance to enjoy the best of both the worlds. Why is enjoying and learning about nature, travelling and exploring, spending quality time with friends and family, enjoying the sun, the rain and simple pleasures of life not as prominent as is working, making money and progressing in life. And yes, learning about parrots too…:-(

Do you think we tend to miss on life while making a niche for ourselves?  Is balance important, or is it just about making our dreams come true no matter what. Is parrot nothing in front of passion?

(And yes, what more simple facts do you know about parrots, please share. Plz no google, try being honest).

13 thoughts on “Eye-opener: An essay on parrot!”

  1. Soulitude,
    Your blog on An essay on parrot instantly took me to the cacophony of Class II-B in Pratt Memorial School in Kolkata…..I found there myself sitting pretty absurd on a chair with the green color board and Mrs.Bose standing infront it telling us…”Girls it is a class test…..You all have to write five lines on your favorite bird…..” I still have that copy in my cupboard…with a ‘Good’ written on it!!!! Please keep up the mirth, the thought and cheer that yr blogs portray….simply love reading them…:-)

    1. Hey, u still have that copy. So sweet. Thank God for the memories, they make our life so colourful. And Kolkata, wud love to know more about ur experiences of that city. Thanks for your encouragement.

  2. I become fan of your writing and smiling on the selection of topic… it bring my childhood back in my mind when I used to talk to parrots… they repeat our conversations, sometime I used to tease and play with them… you know parrot has no loyalty quality…

  3. Awesum piece of writing. The first two things that clicked me after reading your blog is: Ganga Ram Churri khani hai (Parot named Ganga ram is offered food)common phrase associted with Parot and
    Second one is Song, “Tota maina ki kahani to purani purani ho gayi. Maina is Parrot’s girlfriend.
    Jokes apart

    Your blogs are really refreshing. Keep on writing such interesting pieces. All d best

    1. He he…Pallavi! Yes, as a child, these Ganga Ram’s and ‘tota maina’ songs were quite a hit. So cute, I even thought of ‘mera dil tota ban jaye, kaisa meethu meethu bole hai,’…ha ha ….if these are the exact lyrics.

  4. …that parrot is the vehicle of ‘god of love’ (kaamdeva) very few people know this fact, thought of sharing it here. i had done a series of water colour titled “playing with parrots” long back, some of them is in my facebook albums too.


  5. Its was so refreshing to read this unlike u it was… .though after intial hicupps of ur sense of humor it started bending to ur same philosophy on life….but u maintainted a good rhythm nd ended it on a well note….am i getting too philosophical //?or seems lyk a teacher’s comments on ur essay..////??….>>>??.lols wtevr….kudos…While reading I cud imagine the blank faces of jyoti n ballu….which made me laugh all d more.. 😛
    Waiting fr more…..

    1. Lol! So very objective u r, and right too. Teacher, u have always been..remember….mom’s sarees, high heels…chalk, and board. But glad u liked it. I am kind of obsessed with life and philosophy. He he.

  6. It was a real delight to read your blog and must say it brings along a lot of childhood memories of school timesand writing essays on simple topics were very tedious and definately not an easy job…and now we have so much to write but no TIME…for getting big pleasures we miss on small things…..but as they say “live every moment as your last moment” we have to catch on small pleasures and enjoy the creations of god….god has created things to use and human to love but what is seen is things are being loved and humans used……keep up the good work…we do have to maintain balance between materialism and pleasure..

  7. Pingback: Why I Cannot Be Rich! | My Soulitude

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