My Soulitude

How I Met The Love of My Life!

Beautiful Beginning!
Beautiful Beginning!

DSC_666618 nov 2014

It was a usual day. Same life, same people but with an unusual excitement in the heart and a feeling of disbelief. I was getting engaged after meeting a guy only twice, within a span of one week. This day, 2 years ago (gosh! it’s been 2 years?). It’s hard to believe it happened this quickly. I mean, imagine a guy comes from nowhere and becomes the center of your life, and vice versa.

Destiny, you do whatever you want to do man or woman!

It all started with one matrimonial site, which my dad used to scan with utmost dedication in the hope of finding a suitable match for her daughter. Amidst endless pics of guys, all eligible bachelors, I used to wonder, “Will my prince charming come out of these pics?”

The story began in year 2011 when this guy, let’s call him A, sent an interest on my matrimonial profile, which was rejected by my father for the reasons best known to him.

An year later, my dad sent him an interest, which was accepted by A,  who later claimed that he kept waiting & waiting for an interest from my side, as guided by his inner instinct. Both (my dad & A) decide to take the matter a step further by sharing more details when A suddenly disappeared from the scene (as he had caught dengue). Dad thought A not interested anymore and forgot about him.

One day, dad receives a mail from A, saying he was not well,  that he apologize for the delay and now wants to take things further. My sis reads the mails and asks dad to talk to the guy once again.

Dad told me about A and as usual, I was not much interested in meeting anyone. I was fed up of this process and not interested in marriage,  that too an arranged one. To top it all, when dad told me that A was from Saharanpur, UP, the remaining interest vanished (no offence intended). Saharanpur??? I mean, “Never,” I said.

My brother convinced dad to at least fix up a meeting and say “No” after meeting the guy. There’s no harm in it,” he said, and dad bought to his argument.

A meeting was fixed for 11th Nov, 2012.

Day 1: 11th Nov, 2012

Venue: A city restaurant in Ambala

No. of people at the venue: 11 (what!!! 2 people are to meet and 9 people to help them in the process.) It’s another thing that these 9 people played a key role in hooking us up.

Everyone ordered food…A separate table was laid for me & A…(My dad says, “aa jao beta, sit separately and chat aaram se.” (I wanted to vanish as I hated this set up from the core of my heart). We (me & A) shifted to the adjacent table and began the formal chit chat. All the others who had come also tried to bond and pass their time eating & chatting, while looking at me & A from the corner of their eyes. Meeting over…we joined the family table…smiled to all…with everyone trying to behave as normal as possible.

Now, A’s family invited us to Saharanpur and we meet for the second time there.

Day 2: 14 Nov, 2012

Venue: A city restaurant

No. of people at the venue: 15 (no comments)

Same process is repeated. We sat in a corner of a restaurant in an attempt to make the biggest decision of our lives. After the meeting, me & A gave our nod for each other and the families rejoice. My family seeks some more time for the final approval, as we had to take our Guru’s permission. After his nod on Nov 17 at 3 pm sharp (I still remember the exact time), my dad calls up A’s dad and our engagement was fixed for the next day.

Day 3: 18 Nov, 2012

We exchanged rings with lots of love in our hearts, the blessings of our family members and the dreams of a happy future. In one week, my status changed from “Single” to “Engaged”. In next 2 months, it will change from “Engaged” to “Happily Married”!!!

{PS: Dad, it would not have been possible without you. We met coz you were the binding factor. We all miss u a lot. }

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