My Soulitude

What’s your state of mind?

So, life is good, isn’t it?

Most of the things in life are well placed, aren’t they?

Barring a few misses here and there, rest everything is finely balanced, isn’t it?

Still, are you happy? Are you?

When was the last time you checked?

Is your heart beating the right emotions?

My last month had been a mixed bag. On the outside, things are as perfect as they can be. Internally, a not-so-rosy picture. Battling a few health issues and some emotional turmoil. Even when life is smooth, touch wood.

All this when I spend considerable amount of time with myself. I contemplate too often. Still feelings are hazy. Some things are spiralling out of control. And that’s causing a friction. Health being a major concern. Planning a digital detox too.

Let’s see how the festive month pans out.

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