My Soulitude

The life is strolling by



life is strolling by


The life is strolling by,

And I am just a stander-by,

Though aiming quite high,

To value my presence thy,

In this vast universe and the sky.


I was at the receiving end again,

Of world’s smartness and fastness,

I felt dumb and breathless,

By seeing the successes on their life’s report card.


Mine was empty, and zigzag,

Everyone had full and straight,

While the road was crazy and chaotic,

Still, not enough to save me from the gaze.


While the world had the “SUCCESS”,

I loved my time and freedom,

Even if monetary gains came by,

I would not trade my humble pies.


I had my enchanting evenings,

And the sunsets and time, in spades,

I had the luxury of simplicity and slowness,

In the world craving for abundance of abundance.


The life is strolling by,

And I am just a stander-by,

Though aiming quite high,

To value my presence thy,

In this vast universe and the sky.


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